Diabetes we all know is a disease that happens due to the imbalance in the blood glucose levels above normal because of the inability of insulin to utilize the glucose in the body. Insulin rise can trump up  Hypertension, high blood pressure, and weight gain as major consequences of diabetes.

The feet  are in contact with the dirt and dust most of the time. Wash your feet daily with warm water and regularly check for any rash or injury. Carefully clean your nails on a regular basis. A broken nail can cause an infection loaded with pus. "It is a nightmare for a diabetic patient since his high glucose is only helping the microbes to increase their action".  Foot ulcers can lead to amputation of the limb since blood flow at the peripheries especially limbs is reduced in diabetes.

There are some local and common herbs that can help treat diabetic foot sores or unlcers. These are herbs that are easily accessible to us from even within our kitchen and our gardens. In this write up I will be looking at things like honey, Onions, Garlic, potato  and Aloe vera.

HONEY, which has been used as a wound dressing for thousands of years in the treatment of wounds and sores.
It has antiseptic properties and  considered as one of the best remedies for the foot ulcers since it kills all the microbes at the site of infection.
also helps draw fluid (and infection) out of the wound and forms a bacteria-resistant boundary. "...It is strongly antibacterial, in part because it interacts with blood and skin to create hydrogen peroxide, which also “debrides” the wound, helping to remove dead tissue...."  Honey also helps to stimulate the body’s immune response and promotes growth of new tissues. Pure unadulterated honey is considered the best in this regard. The wound will heal faster due to the inactivity of the microbes.

ONION on its own part, has anti-microbial agents that prevent the growth of microbes in and around the wounds..

ALOE VERA is a hardy plant with many medicinal qualities and best results are obtained from a live plant. The plant’s antimicrobial properties in particular are much more active in fresh-cut aloe.

Besides being antimicrobial, aloe vera contains
allantoin, which breaks down uric acid,  which is a by-product of injured tissue. Too much uric acid delays wound healing. Always use freshly squeezed aloe vera gel.

Crush onions into a paste, mix generous amount of pure original honey to it to make a paste (not watery).
Wash the wound with warm water and apply the honey and onion mixture (paste) on the wound. Remove the paste after 30 minutes and then apply aloe vera gel generously on the sore/ulcer. Repeat the process three times a day, and you will see improvement in the healing process 24 to 48 hours.

Another way is to use Honey and Potato. Honey kills the germs and potato cleans the wounds.
This is a  two-part regimen which  starts with honey, that has multiple activities that help healing.
First, wash the sore gently with warm, water, and apply a thin coat of honey directly to the wound. 

Let this be for 30 minutes, then  wash the honey away and  and cover the wound with fresh potato paste. "Wrap a strip of gauze or cloth around the wound to keep the potato in place for another 30 minutes or so. Enzymes from the potato, especially catalase, will digest and remove some of the unhealthy by-products from the injured tissue". As pointed out early,  first the honey kills some of the infectious organisms, and then the potato cleans up.
With this too you will expect healing process in a short time.

BOTTOM LINE: Diabetic patients must take absolute care to make sure they are free from wounds, no matter how small. Always check yourself of wounds regularly, a scrape, a little cut or a little blister. Once found, please do not hesitate to take care of it as directed above as a little neglect can become dangerous and cause the wound to escalate to a dangerous ulcer that even leads to limb amputation.


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